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Table Types

Spyglass uses DataJoint's default table tiers.

By convention, an individual pipeline has one or more the following table types:

  • Common/Multi-pipeline table
  • NWB ingestion table
  • Parameters table
  • Selection table
  • Data table
  • Merge Table (see also stand-alone doc)


Tables shared across multiple pipelines for shared data types.

  • Naming convention: None
  • Data tier: dj.Manual
  • Examples: IntervalList (time interval for any analysis), AnalysisNwbfile (analysis NWB files)

Note: Because these are stand-alone tables not part of the dependency structure, developers should include enough information to link entries back to the pipeline where the data is used.

NWB ingestion

Automatically populated when an NWB file is ingested (i.e., dj.Imported) to keep track of object hashes (i.e., object_id) in the NWB file. All such tables should be included in the make method of Session.

  • Naming convention: None
  • Data tier: dj.Imported
  • Primary key: foreign key from Session
  • Non-primary key: object_id, the unique hash of an object in the NWB file.
  • Examples: Raw, Institution, etc.
  • Required methods:
    • make: must read information from an NWB file and insert it to the table.
    • fetch_nwb: retrieve the data specified by the object ID.


Stores the set of values that may be used in an analysis.

  • Naming convention: end with Parameters or Params
  • Data tier: dj.Manual, or dj.Lookup
  • Primary key: {pipeline}_params_name, varchar
  • Non-primary key: {pipeline}_params, blob - dict of parameters
  • Examples: RippleParameters, DLCModelParams
  • Possible method: if dj.Manual, include insert_default

Notes: Some early instances of Parameter tables (a) used non-primary keys for each individual parameter, and (b) use the Manual rather than Lookup tier, requiring a class method to insert defaults.


A staging area to pair sessions with parameter sets, allowing us to be selective in the analyses we run. It may not make sense to pair every paramset with every session.

  • Naming convention: end with Selection
  • Data tier: dj.Manual
  • Primary key(s): Foreign key references to
    • one or more NWB or data tables
    • optionally, one or more parameter tables
  • Non-primary key: None
  • Examples: MetricSelection, LFPSelection

It is possible for a Selection table to collect information from more than one Parameter table. For example, the Selection table for spike sorting holds information about both the interval (SortInterval) and the group of electrodes (SortGroup) to be sorted.


The output of processing steps associated with a selection table. Has a make method that carries out the computation specified in the Selection table when populate is called.

  • Naming convention: None
  • Data tier: dj.Computed
  • Primary key: Foreign key reference to a Selection table.
  • Non-primary key: analysis_file_name inherited from AnalysisNwbfile table (i.e., name of the analysis NWB file that will hold the output of the computation).
  • Required method, make: carries out the computation and insert a new entry; must also create an analysis NWB file and insert it to the AnalysisNwbfile table. Note that this method is never called directly; it is called via populate. Multiple entries can be run in parallel when called with reserve_jobs=True.
  • Example: QualityMetrics, LFPV1


Following a convention outlined in a dedicated doc, merges the output of different pipelines dedicated to the same modality as part tables (e.g., common LFP, LFP v1, imported LFP) to permit unified downstream processing.

  • Naming convention: {Pipeline}Output
  • Data tier: custom _Merge class
  • Primary key: merge_id, uuid
  • Non-primary key: source, varchar table name associated with that entry
  • Required methods: None - see custom class methods with merge_ prefix
  • Example: LFPOutput, PositionOutput