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NWB helper functions for finding processing modules and data interfaces.


Return an NWBFile object with the given file path in read mode.

If the file is not found locally, this will check if it has been shared with kachery and if so, download it and open it.


Name Type Description Default
nwb_file_path str

Path to the NWB file or NWB file name. If it does not start with a "/", get path with Nwbfile.get_abs_path



Name Type Description
nwbfile NWBFile

NWB file object for the given path opened in read mode.

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def get_nwb_file(nwb_file_path):
    """Return an NWBFile object with the given file path in read mode.

    If the file is not found locally, this will check if it has been shared
    with kachery and if so, download it and open it.

    nwb_file_path : str
        Path to the NWB file or NWB file name. If it does not start with a "/",
        get path with Nwbfile.get_abs_path

    nwbfile : pynwb.NWBFile
        NWB file object for the given path opened in read mode.
    if not nwb_file_path.startswith("/"):
        from ..common import Nwbfile

        nwb_file_path = Nwbfile.get_abs_path(nwb_file_path)

    _, nwbfile = __open_nwb_files.get(nwb_file_path, (None, None))

    if nwbfile is None:
        # check to see if the file exists
        if not os.path.exists(nwb_file_path):
                "NWB file not found locally; checking kachery for "
                + f"{nwb_file_path}"
            # first try the analysis files
            from ..sharing.sharing_kachery import AnalysisNwbfileKachery

            # the download functions assume just the filename, so we need to
            # get that from the path
            if not AnalysisNwbfileKachery.download_file(
                os.path.basename(nwb_file_path), permit_fail=True
                    "NWB file not found in kachery; checking Dandi for "
                    + f"{nwb_file_path}"
                # Dandi fallback SB 2024-04-03
                from ..common.common_dandi import DandiPath

                dandi_key = {"filename": os.path.basename(nwb_file_path)}
                if not DandiPath & dandi_key:
                    # If not in Dandi, then we can't find the file
                    raise FileNotFoundError(
                        f"NWB file not found in kachery or Dandi: {os.path.basename(nwb_file_path)}."
                io, nwbfile = DandiPath().fetch_file_from_dandi(
                )  # TODO: consider case where file in multiple dandisets
                __open_nwb_files[nwb_file_path] = (io, nwbfile)
                return nwbfile

        # now open the file
        io = pynwb.NWBHDF5IO(
            path=nwb_file_path, mode="r", load_namespaces=True
        )  # keep file open
        nwbfile =
        __open_nwb_files[nwb_file_path] = (io, nwbfile)

    return nwbfile


helper to determine if open file is streamed from Dandi

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def file_from_dandi(filepath):
    """helper to determine if open file is streamed from Dandi"""
    if filepath not in __open_nwb_files:
        return False
    build_keys = __open_nwb_files[filepath][0]._HDF5IO__built.keys()
    for k in build_keys:
        if "HTTPFileSystem" in k:
            return True
    return False

get_config(nwb_file_path, calling_table=None)

Return a dictionary of config settings for the given NWB file. If the file does not exist, return an empty dict.


Name Type Description Default
nwb_file_path str

Absolute path to the NWB file.



Type Description

Dictionary of configuration settings loaded from the corresponding YAML file

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def get_config(nwb_file_path, calling_table=None):
    """Return a dictionary of config settings for the given NWB file.
    If the file does not exist, return an empty dict.

    nwb_file_path : str
        Absolute path to the NWB file.

        Dictionary of configuration settings loaded from the corresponding YAML file
    if nwb_file_path in __configs:  # load from cache if exists
        return __configs[nwb_file_path]

    p = Path(nwb_file_path)
    # NOTE use p.stem[:-1] to remove the underscore that was added to the file
    config_path = p.parent / (p.stem[:-1] + "_spyglass_config.yaml")
    if not os.path.exists(config_path):
        from spyglass.settings import base_dir  # noqa: F401

        rel_path = p.relative_to(base_dir)
        table = f"{calling_table}: " if calling_table else """{table}No config found at {rel_path}")
        ret = dict()
        __configs[nwb_file_path] = ret  # cache to avoid repeated null lookups
        return ret
    with open(config_path, "r") as stream:
        d = yaml.safe_load(stream)

    # TODO write a JSON schema for the yaml file and validate the yaml file
    __configs[nwb_file_path] = d  # store in cache
    return d


Close all open NWB files.

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def close_nwb_files():
    """Close all open NWB files."""
    for io, _ in __open_nwb_files.values():

get_data_interface(nwbfile, data_interface_name, data_interface_class=None)

Search for NWBDataInterface or DynamicTable in processing modules of an NWB.


Name Type Description Default
nwbfile NWBFile

The NWB file object to search in.

data_interface_name str

The name of the NWBDataInterface or DynamicTable to search for.

data_interface_class type

The class (or superclass) to search for. This argument helps to prevent accessing an object with the same name but the incorrect type. Default: no restriction.



Type Description

If multiple NWBDataInterface and DynamicTable objects with the matching name are found.


Name Type Description
data_interface NWBDataInterface

The data interface object with the given name, or None if not found.

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def get_data_interface(nwbfile, data_interface_name, data_interface_class=None):
    Search for NWBDataInterface or DynamicTable in processing modules of an NWB.

    nwbfile : pynwb.NWBFile
        The NWB file object to search in.
    data_interface_name : str
        The name of the NWBDataInterface or DynamicTable to search for.
    data_interface_class : type, optional
        The class (or superclass) to search for. This argument helps to prevent
        accessing an object with the same name but the incorrect type. Default:
        no restriction.

        If multiple NWBDataInterface and DynamicTable objects with the matching
        name are found.

    data_interface : NWBDataInterface
        The data interface object with the given name, or None if not found.
    ret = []
    for module in nwbfile.processing.values():
        match = module.data_interfaces.get(data_interface_name, None)
        if match is not None:
            if data_interface_class is not None and not isinstance(
                match, data_interface_class
    if len(ret) > 1:
            f"Multiple data interfaces with name '{data_interface_name}' "
            f"found in NWBFile with identifier {nwbfile.identifier}. "
            + "Using the first one found. "
            "Use the data_interface_class argument to restrict the search."
    if len(ret) >= 1:
        return ret[0]

    return None


Return the Position object from the behavior processing module. Meant to find position spatial series that are not found by get_data_interface(nwbfile, 'position', pynwb.behavior.Position). The code returns the first pynwb.behavior.Position object (technically there should only be one).


Name Type Description Default
nwbfile NWBFile

The NWB file object.



Type Description
pynwb.behavior.Position object
Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def get_position_obj(nwbfile):
    """Return the Position object from the behavior processing module.
    Meant to find position spatial series that are not found by
    `get_data_interface(nwbfile, 'position', pynwb.behavior.Position)`.
    The code returns the first `pynwb.behavior.Position` object (technically
    there should only be one).

    nwbfile : pynwb.NWBFile
        The NWB file object.

    pynwb.behavior.Position object
    ret = []
    for obj in nwbfile.processing["behavior"].data_interfaces.values():
        if isinstance(obj, pynwb.behavior.Position):
    if len(ret) > 1:
        raise ValueError(f"Found more than one position object in {nwbfile}")
    return ret[0] if ret and len(ret) else None


Return all ElectricalSeries in the acquisition group of an NWB file.

ElectricalSeries found within LFP objects in the acquisition will also be returned.


Name Type Description Default
nwbfile NWBFile

The NWB file object to search in.



Name Type Description
ret list

A list of all ElectricalSeries in the acquisition group of an NWB file

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def get_raw_eseries(nwbfile):
    """Return all ElectricalSeries in the acquisition group of an NWB file.

    ElectricalSeries found within LFP objects in the acquisition will also be

    nwbfile : pynwb.NWBFile
        The NWB file object to search in.

    ret : list
        A list of all ElectricalSeries in the acquisition group of an NWB file
    ret = []
    for nwb_object in nwbfile.acquisition.values():
        if isinstance(nwb_object, pynwb.ecephys.ElectricalSeries):
        elif isinstance(nwb_object, pynwb.ecephys.LFP):
    return ret

estimate_sampling_rate(timestamps, multiplier=1.75, verbose=False, filename='file')

Estimate the sampling rate given a list of timestamps.

Assumes that the most common temporal differences between timestamps approximate the sampling rate. Note that this can fail for very high sampling rates and irregular timestamps.


Name Type Description Default
timestamps ndarray

1D numpy array of timestamp values.

multiplier float or int


verbose bool

Log sampling rate to stdout. Default, False

filename str

Filename to reference when logging or err. Default, "file"



Name Type Description
estimated_rate float

The estimated sampling rate.


Type Description

If estimated rate is less than 0.

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def estimate_sampling_rate(
    timestamps, multiplier=1.75, verbose=False, filename="file"
    """Estimate the sampling rate given a list of timestamps.

    Assumes that the most common temporal differences between timestamps
    approximate the sampling rate. Note that this can fail for very high
    sampling rates and irregular timestamps.

    timestamps : numpy.ndarray
        1D numpy array of timestamp values.
    multiplier : float or int, optional
    verbose : bool, optional
        Log sampling rate to stdout. Default, False
    filename : str, optional
        Filename to reference when logging or err. Default, "file"

    estimated_rate : float
        The estimated sampling rate.

        If estimated rate is less than 0.

    # approach:
    # 1. use a box car smoother and a histogram to get the modal value
    # 2. identify adjacent samples as those that have a
    #    time difference < the multiplier * the modal value
    # 3. average the time differences between adjacent samples

    sample_diff = np.diff(timestamps[~np.isnan(timestamps)])

    if len(sample_diff) < 10:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Only {len(sample_diff)} timestamps are valid. Check the data."

    smooth_diff = np.convolve(sample_diff, np.ones(10) / 10, mode="same")

    # we histogram with 100 bins out to 3 * mean, which should be fine for any
    # reasonable number of samples
    hist, bins = np.histogram(
        smooth_diff, bins=100, range=[0, 3 * np.mean(smooth_diff)]
    mode = bins[np.where(hist == np.max(hist))][0]

    adjacent = sample_diff < mode * multiplier

    sampling_rate = np.round(1.0 / np.mean(sample_diff[adjacent]))

    if sampling_rate < 0:
        raise ValueError(f"Error calculating sampling rate. For {filename}")
    if verbose:
            f"Estimated sampling rate for {filename}: {sampling_rate} Hz"

    return sampling_rate

get_valid_intervals(timestamps, sampling_rate, gap_proportion=2.5, min_valid_len=0)

Finds the set of all valid intervals in a list of timestamps. Valid interval: (start time, stop time) during which there are no gaps (i.e. missing samples).


Name Type Description Default
timestamps ndarray

1D numpy array of timestamp values.

sampling_rate float

Sampling rate of the data.

gap_proportion float

Threshold for detecting a gap; i.e. if the difference (in samples) between consecutive timestamps exceeds gap_proportion, it is considered a gap. Must be > 1. Default to 2.5

min_valid_len float

Length of smallest valid interval. Default to 0. If greater than interval duration, log warning and use half the total time.



Name Type Description
valid_times ndarray

Array of start and stop times of shape (N, 2) for valid data.

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def get_valid_intervals(
    timestamps, sampling_rate, gap_proportion=2.5, min_valid_len=0
    """Finds the set of all valid intervals in a list of timestamps.
    Valid interval: (start time, stop time) during which there are
    no gaps (i.e. missing samples).

    timestamps : numpy.ndarray
        1D numpy array of timestamp values.
    sampling_rate : float
        Sampling rate of the data.
    gap_proportion : float, optional
        Threshold for detecting a gap; i.e. if the difference (in samples)
        between consecutive timestamps exceeds gap_proportion, it is considered
        a gap. Must be > 1. Default to 2.5
    min_valid_len : float, optional
        Length of smallest valid interval. Default to 0. If greater
        than interval duration, log warning and use half the total time.

    valid_times : np.ndarray
        Array of start and stop times of shape (N, 2) for valid data.

    eps = 0.0000001

    total_time = timestamps[-1] - timestamps[0]

    if total_time < min_valid_len:
        half_total_time = total_time / 2
        logger.warn(f"Setting minimum valid interval to {half_total_time}")
        min_valid_len = half_total_time

    # get rid of NaN elements
    timestamps = timestamps[~np.isnan(timestamps)]
    # find gaps
    gap = np.diff(timestamps) > 1.0 / sampling_rate * gap_proportion

    # all true entries of gap represent gaps. Get the times bounding these intervals.
    gapind = np.asarray(np.where(gap))
    # The end of each valid interval are the indices of the gaps and the final value
    valid_end = np.append(gapind, np.asarray(len(timestamps) - 1))

    # the beginning of the gaps are the first element and gapind+1
    valid_start = np.insert(gapind + 1, 0, 0)

    valid_indices = np.vstack([valid_start, valid_end]).transpose()

    valid_times = timestamps[valid_indices]
    # adjust the times to deal with single valid samples
    valid_times[:, 0] = valid_times[:, 0] - eps
    valid_times[:, 1] = valid_times[:, 1] + eps

    valid_intervals = (valid_times[:, 1] - valid_times[:, 0]) > min_valid_len

    return valid_times[valid_intervals, :]

get_electrode_indices(nwb_object, electrode_ids)

Return indices of the specified electrode_ids given an NWB file.

Also accepts electrical series object. If an ElectricalSeries is given, then the indices returned are relative to the selected rows in ElectricalSeries.electrodes. For example, if electricalseries.electrodes = [5], and row index 5 of nwbfile.electrodes has ID 10, then calling get_electrode_indices(electricalseries, 10) will return 0, the index of the matching electrode in electricalseries.electrodes.

Indices for electrode_ids that are not in the electrical series are returned as np.nan

If an NWBFile is given, then the row indices with the matching IDs in the file's electrodes table are returned.


Name Type Description Default
nwb_object NWBFile or ElectricalSeries

The NWB file object or NWB electrical series object.

electrode_ids ndarray or list

Array or list of electrode IDs.



Name Type Description
electrode_indices list

Array of indices of the specified electrode IDs.

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def get_electrode_indices(nwb_object, electrode_ids):
    """Return indices of the specified electrode_ids given an NWB file.

    Also accepts electrical series object. If an ElectricalSeries is given,
    then the indices returned are relative to the selected rows in
    ElectricalSeries.electrodes. For example, if electricalseries.electrodes =
    [5], and row index 5 of nwbfile.electrodes has ID 10, then calling
    get_electrode_indices(electricalseries, 10) will return 0, the index of the
    matching electrode in electricalseries.electrodes.

    Indices for electrode_ids that are not in the electrical series are
    returned as np.nan

    If an NWBFile is given, then the row indices with the matching IDs in the
    file's electrodes table are returned.

    nwb_object : pynwb.NWBFile or pynwb.ecephys.ElectricalSeries
        The NWB file object or NWB electrical series object.
    electrode_ids : np.ndarray or list
        Array or list of electrode IDs.

    electrode_indices : list
        Array of indices of the specified electrode IDs.
    if isinstance(nwb_object, pynwb.ecephys.ElectricalSeries):
        # electrodes is a DynamicTableRegion which may contain a subset of the
        # rows in NWBFile.electrodes match against only the subset of
        # electrodes referenced by this ElectricalSeries
        electrode_table_indices =[:]
        selected_elect_ids = [
  [x] for x in electrode_table_indices
    elif isinstance(nwb_object, pynwb.NWBFile):
        # electrodes is a DynamicTable that contains all electrodes
        selected_elect_ids = list([:])
        raise ValueError(
            "nwb_object must be of type ElectricalSeries or NWBFile"

    # for each electrode_id, find its index in selected_elect_ids and return
    # that if it's there and invalid_electrode_index if not.

    return [
            if elect_id in selected_elect_ids
            else invalid_electrode_index
        for elect_id in electrode_ids

get_all_spatial_series(nwbf, verbose=False, incl_times=True)

Given an NWB, get the spatial series and return a dictionary by epoch.

If incl_times is True, then the valid intervals are included in the output.


Name Type Description Default
nwbf NWBFile

The source NWB file object.

verbose bool

Flag representing whether to log the sampling rate.

incl_times bool

Include valid times in the output. Default, True. Set to False for only spatial series object IDs.



Name Type Description
pos_data_dict dict

Dict mapping indices to a dict with keys 'valid_times' and 'raw_position_object_id'. Returns None if there is no position data in the file. The 'raw_position_object_id' is the object ID of the SpatialSeries object.

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def get_all_spatial_series(nwbf, verbose=False, incl_times=True) -> dict:
    Given an NWB, get the spatial series and return a dictionary by epoch.

    If incl_times is True, then the valid intervals are included in the output.

    nwbf : pynwb.NWBFile
        The source NWB file object.
    verbose : bool
        Flag representing whether to log the sampling rate.
    incl_times : bool
        Include valid times in the output. Default, True. Set to False for only
        spatial series object IDs.

    pos_data_dict : dict
        Dict mapping indices to a dict with keys 'valid_times' and
        'raw_position_object_id'. Returns None if there is no position data in
        the file. The 'raw_position_object_id' is the object ID of the
        SpatialSeries object.
    pos_interface = get_position_obj(nwbf)

    if pos_interface is None:
        return None

    return _get_pos_dict(


Get file name of copy of nwb file without the electrophys data

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def get_nwb_copy_filename(nwb_file_name):
    """Get file name of copy of nwb file without the electrophys data"""

    filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(nwb_file_name)

    if filename.endswith("_"):
        logger.warning(f"File may already be a copy: {nwb_file_name}")

    return f"{filename}_{file_extension}"

change_group_permissions(subject_ids, set_group_name, analysis_dir='/stelmo/nwb/analysis')

Change group permissions for specified subject ids in analysis dir.

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def change_group_permissions(
    subject_ids, set_group_name, analysis_dir="/stelmo/nwb/analysis"
    """Change group permissions for specified subject ids in analysis dir."""
    logger.warning("DEPRECATED: This function will be removed in `0.6`.")
    # Change to directory with analysis nwb files
    # Get nwb file directories with specified subject ids
    target_contents = [
        for x in os.listdir(analysis_dir)
        if any([subject_id in x.split("_")[0] for subject_id in subject_ids])
    # Loop through nwb file directories and change group permissions
    for target_content in target_contents:
            f"For {target_content}, changing group to {set_group_name} "
            + "and giving read/write/execute permissions"
        # Change group
        os.system(f"chgrp -R {set_group_name} {target_content}")
        # Give read, write, execute permissions to group
        os.system(f"chmod -R g+rwx {target_content}")