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A schema to store the usage of advanced Spyglass features.

Records show usage of features such as cautious delete and fault-permitting insert, which will be used to determine which features are used, how often, and by whom. This will help plan future development of Spyglass.


Bases: Manual

A log of suspected low-use features worth deprecating.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
class ActivityLog(dj.Manual):
    """A log of suspected low-use features worth deprecating."""

    definition = """
    id: int auto_increment
    function: varchar(64)
    dj_user: varchar(64)
    timestamp=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: timestamp

    def deprecate_log(cls, name, warning=True) -> None:
        """Log a deprecation warning for a feature."""
        if warning:
            logger.warning(f"DEPRECATION scheduled for version 0.6: {name}")
        cls.insert1(dict(dj_user=dj.config["database.user"], function=name))

deprecate_log(name, warning=True) classmethod

Log a deprecation warning for a feature.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def deprecate_log(cls, name, warning=True) -> None:
    """Log a deprecation warning for a feature."""
    if warning:
        logger.warning(f"DEPRECATION scheduled for version 0.6: {name}")
    cls.insert1(dict(dj_user=dj.config["database.user"], function=name))


Bases: SpyglassMixin, Manual

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
class ExportSelection(SpyglassMixin, dj.Manual):
    definition = """
    export_id: int auto_increment
    paper_id: varchar(32)
    analysis_id: varchar(32)
    spyglass_version: varchar(16)
    time=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: timestamp
    unique index (paper_id, analysis_id)

    class Table(SpyglassMixinPart):
        definition = """
        -> master
        table_id: int
        table_name: varchar(128)
        restriction: varchar(2048)

        def insert1(self, key, **kwargs):
            """Override insert1 to auto-increment table_id."""
            key = self._auto_increment(key, pk="table_id")
            super().insert1(key, **kwargs)

        def insert(self, keys: List[dict], **kwargs):
            """Override insert to auto-increment table_id."""
            if not isinstance(keys[0], dict):
                raise TypeError("Pass Table Keys as list of dict")
            keys = [self._auto_increment(k, pk="table_id") for k in keys]
            super().insert(keys, **kwargs)

    class File(SpyglassMixin, dj.Part):
        definition = """
        -> master
        -> AnalysisNwbfile
        # Note: only tracks AnalysisNwbfile. list_file_paths also grabs Nwbfile.

    def insert1_return_pk(self, key: dict, **kwargs) -> int:
        """Custom insert to return export_id."""
        status = "Resuming"
        if not (query := self & key):
            key = self._auto_increment(key, pk="export_id")
            super().insert1(key, **kwargs)
            status = "Starting"
        export_id = query.fetch1("export_id")
        export_key = {"export_id": export_id}
        if query := (Export & export_key):
            safemode = False if test_mode else None  # No prompt in tests
            query.super_delete(warn=False, safemode=safemode)"{status} {export_key}")
        return export_id

    def start_export(self, paper_id, analysis_id) -> None:
        """Start logging a new export."""
        self._start_export(paper_id, analysis_id)

    def stop_export(self, **kwargs) -> None:
        """Stop logging the current export."""

    # NOTE: These helpers could be moved to table below, but I think
    #       end users may want to use them to check what's in the export log
    #       before actually exporting anything, which is more associated with
    #       Selection

    def _list_raw_files(self, key: dict) -> list[str]:
        """Return a list of unique nwb file names for a given restriction/key."""
        file_table = self * self.File & key
        return list(
                *AnalysisNwbfile.join(file_table, log_export=False).fetch(

    def _list_analysis_files(self, key: dict) -> list[str]:
        """Return a list of unique analysis file names for a given restriction/key."""
        file_table = self * self.File & key
        return list(file_table.fetch("analysis_file_name"))

    def list_file_paths(self, key: dict, as_dict=True) -> list[str]:
        """Return a list of unique file paths for a given restriction/key.

        Note: This list reflects files fetched during the export process. For
        upstream files, use RestrGraph.file_paths.

        key : dict
            Any valid restriction key for ExportSelection.Table
        as_dict : bool, optional
            Return as a list of dicts: [{'file_path': x}]. Default True.
            If False, returns a list of strings without key.
        unique_fp = {
                for p in self._list_analysis_files(key)
            *[Nwbfile().get_abs_path(p) for p in self._list_raw_files(key)],

        return [{"file_path": p} for p in unique_fp] if as_dict else unique_fp

    def _externals(self) -> dj.external.ExternalMapping:
        """Return the external mapping for the common_n schema."""
        return dj.external.ExternalMapping(schema=AnalysisNwbfile)

    def _add_externals_to_restr_graph(
        self, restr_graph: RestrGraph, key: dict
    ) -> RestrGraph:
        """Add external tables to a RestrGraph for a given restriction/key.

        Tables added as nodes with restrictions based on file paths. Names
        added to visited set to appear in restr_ft obj bassed to SQLDumpHelper.

        restr_graph : RestrGraph
            A RestrGraph object to add external tables to.
        key : dict
            Any valid restriction key for ExportSelection.Table

        restr_graph : RestrGraph
            The updated RestrGraph

        if raw_files := self._list_raw_files(key):
            raw_tbl = self._externals["raw"]
            raw_name = raw_tbl.full_table_name
            raw_restr = "filepath in ('" + "','".join(raw_files) + "')"
            restr_graph.graph.add_node(raw_name, ft=raw_tbl, restr=raw_restr)

        if analysis_files := self._list_analysis_files(key):
            analysis_tbl = self._externals["analysis"]
            analysis_name = analysis_tbl.full_table_name
            # to avoid issues with analysis subdir, we use REGEXP
            # this is slow, but we're only doing this once, and future-proof
            analysis_restr = (
                "filepath REGEXP '" + "|".join(analysis_files) + "'"
                analysis_name, ft=analysis_tbl, restr=analysis_restr

        restr_graph.visited.update({raw_name, analysis_name})

        return restr_graph

    def get_restr_graph(
        self, key: dict, verbose=False, cascade=True
    ) -> RestrGraph:
        """Return a RestrGraph for a restriction/key's tables/restrictions.

        Ignores duplicate entries.

        key : dict
            Any valid restriction key for ExportSelection.Table
        verbose : bool, optional
            Turn on RestrGraph verbosity. Default False.
        cascade : bool, optional
            Propagate restrictions to upstream tables. Default True.
        leaves = unique_dicts(
            (self * self.Table & key).fetch(
                "table_name", "restriction", as_dict=True

        restr_graph = RestrGraph(
            seed_table=self, leaves=leaves, verbose=verbose, cascade=cascade
        return self._add_externals_to_restr_graph(restr_graph, key)

    def preview_tables(self, **kwargs) -> list[dj.FreeTable]:
        """Return a list of restricted FreeTables for a given restriction/key.

        Useful for checking what will be exported.
        kwargs["cascade"] = False
        return self.get_restr_graph(kwargs).leaf_ft

    def show_all_tables(self, **kwargs) -> list[dj.FreeTable]:
        """Return a list of all FreeTables for a given restriction/key.

        Useful for checking what will be exported.
        kwargs["cascade"] = True
        return self.get_restr_graph(kwargs).restr_ft

    def _max_export_id(self, paper_id: str, return_all=False) -> int:
        """Return last export associated with a given paper id.

        Used to populate Export table."""
        if isinstance(paper_id, dict):
            paper_id = paper_id.get("paper_id")
        if not (query := self & {"paper_id": paper_id}):
            return None
        all_export_ids = query.fetch("export_id")
        return all_export_ids if return_all else max(all_export_ids)

    def paper_export_id(self, paper_id: str, return_all=False) -> dict:
        """Return the maximum export_id for a paper, used to populate Export."""
        if not return_all:
            return {"export_id": self._max_export_id(paper_id)}
        return [{"export_id": id} for id in self._max_export_id(paper_id, True)]


Bases: SpyglassMixinPart

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
class Table(SpyglassMixinPart):
    definition = """
    -> master
    table_id: int
    table_name: varchar(128)
    restriction: varchar(2048)

    def insert1(self, key, **kwargs):
        """Override insert1 to auto-increment table_id."""
        key = self._auto_increment(key, pk="table_id")
        super().insert1(key, **kwargs)

    def insert(self, keys: List[dict], **kwargs):
        """Override insert to auto-increment table_id."""
        if not isinstance(keys[0], dict):
            raise TypeError("Pass Table Keys as list of dict")
        keys = [self._auto_increment(k, pk="table_id") for k in keys]
        super().insert(keys, **kwargs)

insert1(key, **kwargs)

Override insert1 to auto-increment table_id.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def insert1(self, key, **kwargs):
    """Override insert1 to auto-increment table_id."""
    key = self._auto_increment(key, pk="table_id")
    super().insert1(key, **kwargs)

insert(keys, **kwargs)

Override insert to auto-increment table_id.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def insert(self, keys: List[dict], **kwargs):
    """Override insert to auto-increment table_id."""
    if not isinstance(keys[0], dict):
        raise TypeError("Pass Table Keys as list of dict")
    keys = [self._auto_increment(k, pk="table_id") for k in keys]
    super().insert(keys, **kwargs)

insert1_return_pk(key, **kwargs)

Custom insert to return export_id.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def insert1_return_pk(self, key: dict, **kwargs) -> int:
    """Custom insert to return export_id."""
    status = "Resuming"
    if not (query := self & key):
        key = self._auto_increment(key, pk="export_id")
        super().insert1(key, **kwargs)
        status = "Starting"
    export_id = query.fetch1("export_id")
    export_key = {"export_id": export_id}
    if query := (Export & export_key):
        safemode = False if test_mode else None  # No prompt in tests
        query.super_delete(warn=False, safemode=safemode)"{status} {export_key}")
    return export_id

start_export(paper_id, analysis_id)

Start logging a new export.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def start_export(self, paper_id, analysis_id) -> None:
    """Start logging a new export."""
    self._start_export(paper_id, analysis_id)


Stop logging the current export.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def stop_export(self, **kwargs) -> None:
    """Stop logging the current export."""

list_file_paths(key, as_dict=True)

Return a list of unique file paths for a given restriction/key.

Note: This list reflects files fetched during the export process. For upstream files, use RestrGraph.file_paths.


Name Type Description Default
key dict

Any valid restriction key for ExportSelection.Table

as_dict bool

Return as a list of dicts: [{'file_path': x}]. Default True. If False, returns a list of strings without key.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def list_file_paths(self, key: dict, as_dict=True) -> list[str]:
    """Return a list of unique file paths for a given restriction/key.

    Note: This list reflects files fetched during the export process. For
    upstream files, use RestrGraph.file_paths.

    key : dict
        Any valid restriction key for ExportSelection.Table
    as_dict : bool, optional
        Return as a list of dicts: [{'file_path': x}]. Default True.
        If False, returns a list of strings without key.
    unique_fp = {
            for p in self._list_analysis_files(key)
        *[Nwbfile().get_abs_path(p) for p in self._list_raw_files(key)],

    return [{"file_path": p} for p in unique_fp] if as_dict else unique_fp

get_restr_graph(key, verbose=False, cascade=True)

Return a RestrGraph for a restriction/key's tables/restrictions.

Ignores duplicate entries.


Name Type Description Default
key dict

Any valid restriction key for ExportSelection.Table

verbose bool

Turn on RestrGraph verbosity. Default False.

cascade bool

Propagate restrictions to upstream tables. Default True.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def get_restr_graph(
    self, key: dict, verbose=False, cascade=True
) -> RestrGraph:
    """Return a RestrGraph for a restriction/key's tables/restrictions.

    Ignores duplicate entries.

    key : dict
        Any valid restriction key for ExportSelection.Table
    verbose : bool, optional
        Turn on RestrGraph verbosity. Default False.
    cascade : bool, optional
        Propagate restrictions to upstream tables. Default True.
    leaves = unique_dicts(
        (self * self.Table & key).fetch(
            "table_name", "restriction", as_dict=True

    restr_graph = RestrGraph(
        seed_table=self, leaves=leaves, verbose=verbose, cascade=cascade
    return self._add_externals_to_restr_graph(restr_graph, key)


Return a list of restricted FreeTables for a given restriction/key.

Useful for checking what will be exported.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def preview_tables(self, **kwargs) -> list[dj.FreeTable]:
    """Return a list of restricted FreeTables for a given restriction/key.

    Useful for checking what will be exported.
    kwargs["cascade"] = False
    return self.get_restr_graph(kwargs).leaf_ft


Return a list of all FreeTables for a given restriction/key.

Useful for checking what will be exported.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def show_all_tables(self, **kwargs) -> list[dj.FreeTable]:
    """Return a list of all FreeTables for a given restriction/key.

    Useful for checking what will be exported.
    kwargs["cascade"] = True
    return self.get_restr_graph(kwargs).restr_ft

paper_export_id(paper_id, return_all=False)

Return the maximum export_id for a paper, used to populate Export.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def paper_export_id(self, paper_id: str, return_all=False) -> dict:
    """Return the maximum export_id for a paper, used to populate Export."""
    if not return_all:
        return {"export_id": self._max_export_id(paper_id)}
    return [{"export_id": id} for id in self._max_export_id(paper_id, True)]


Bases: SpyglassMixin, Computed

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
class Export(SpyglassMixin, dj.Computed):
    definition = """
    -> ExportSelection
    paper_id: varchar(32)

    # In order to get a many-to-one relationship btwn Selection and Export,
    # we ignore all but the last export_id. If more exports are added above,
    # generating a new output will overwrite the old ones.

    class Table(SpyglassMixin, dj.Part):
        definition = """
        -> master
        table_id: int
        table_name: varchar(128)
        restriction: mediumblob
        unique index (export_id, table_name)

    class File(SpyglassMixin, dj.Part):
        definition = """
        -> master
        file_id: int
        file_path: varchar(255)

    def populate_paper(self, paper_id: Union[str, dict]):
        """Populate Export for a given paper_id."""
        if isinstance(paper_id, dict):
            paper_id = paper_id.get("paper_id")

    def make(self, key):
        """Populate Export table with the latest export for a given paper."""
        paper_key = (ExportSelection & key).fetch("paper_id", as_dict=True)[0]
        query = ExportSelection & paper_key

        # Null insertion if export_id is not the maximum for the paper
        all_export_ids = ExportSelection()._max_export_id(paper_key, True)
        max_export_id = max(all_export_ids)
        if key.get("export_id") != max_export_id:
                f"Skipping export_id {key['export_id']}, use {max_export_id}"

        # If lesser ids are present, delete parts yielding null entries
        processed_ids = set(
            + list(self.File.fetch("export_id"))
        if overlap := set(all_export_ids) - {max_export_id} & processed_ids:
  "Overwriting export_ids {overlap}")
            for export_id in overlap:
                id_dict = {"export_id": export_id}
                (self.Table & id_dict).delete_quick()
                (self.Table & id_dict).delete_quick()

        restr_graph = ExportSelection().get_restr_graph(paper_key)
        # Original plus upstream files
        file_paths = {
            *query.list_file_paths(paper_key, as_dict=False),

        # Check for linked nwb objects and add them to the export
        unlinked_files = set()
        for file in file_paths:
            if not (links := get_linked_nwbs(file)):
                "Dandi not yet supported for linked nwb objects "
                + f"excluding {file} from export "
                + f" and including {links} instead"
        file_paths = unlinked_files  # TODO: what if linked items have links?

        table_inserts = [
            {**key, **rd, "table_id": i}
            for i, rd in enumerate(restr_graph.as_dict)
        file_inserts = [
            {**key, "file_path": fp, "file_id": i}
            for i, fp in enumerate(file_paths)

        version_ids = query.fetch("spyglass_version")
        if len(set(version_ids)) > 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "Multiple versions in ExportSelection\n"
                + "Please rerun all analyses with the same version"
            msg="Must use same Spyglass version for analysis and export",

        sql_helper = SQLDumpHelper(**paper_key, spyglass_version=version_ids[0])

        self.insert1({**key, **paper_key})

    def prepare_files_for_export(self, key, **kwargs):
        """Resolve common known errors to make a set of analysis
        files dandi compliant

        key : dict
            restriction for a single entry of the Export table
        key = (self & key).fetch1("KEY")
        file_list = (self.File() & key).fetch("file_path")
        for file in file_list:
            update_analysis_for_dandi_standard(file, **kwargs)

    def _make_fileset_ids_unique(self, key):
        """Make the object_id of each nwb in a dataset unique"""
        key = (self & key).fetch1("KEY")
        file_list = (self.File() & key).fetch("file_path")
        unique_object_ids = []
        for file_path in file_list:
            with NWBHDF5IO(file_path, "r") as io:
                nwb =
                object_id = nwb.object_id
            if object_id not in unique_object_ids:
                new_id = make_file_obj_id_unique(file_path)


Populate Export for a given paper_id.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def populate_paper(self, paper_id: Union[str, dict]):
    """Populate Export for a given paper_id."""
    if isinstance(paper_id, dict):
        paper_id = paper_id.get("paper_id")


Populate Export table with the latest export for a given paper.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def make(self, key):
    """Populate Export table with the latest export for a given paper."""
    paper_key = (ExportSelection & key).fetch("paper_id", as_dict=True)[0]
    query = ExportSelection & paper_key

    # Null insertion if export_id is not the maximum for the paper
    all_export_ids = ExportSelection()._max_export_id(paper_key, True)
    max_export_id = max(all_export_ids)
    if key.get("export_id") != max_export_id:
            f"Skipping export_id {key['export_id']}, use {max_export_id}"

    # If lesser ids are present, delete parts yielding null entries
    processed_ids = set(
        + list(self.File.fetch("export_id"))
    if overlap := set(all_export_ids) - {max_export_id} & processed_ids:"Overwriting export_ids {overlap}")
        for export_id in overlap:
            id_dict = {"export_id": export_id}
            (self.Table & id_dict).delete_quick()
            (self.Table & id_dict).delete_quick()

    restr_graph = ExportSelection().get_restr_graph(paper_key)
    # Original plus upstream files
    file_paths = {
        *query.list_file_paths(paper_key, as_dict=False),

    # Check for linked nwb objects and add them to the export
    unlinked_files = set()
    for file in file_paths:
        if not (links := get_linked_nwbs(file)):
            "Dandi not yet supported for linked nwb objects "
            + f"excluding {file} from export "
            + f" and including {links} instead"
    file_paths = unlinked_files  # TODO: what if linked items have links?

    table_inserts = [
        {**key, **rd, "table_id": i}
        for i, rd in enumerate(restr_graph.as_dict)
    file_inserts = [
        {**key, "file_path": fp, "file_id": i}
        for i, fp in enumerate(file_paths)

    version_ids = query.fetch("spyglass_version")
    if len(set(version_ids)) > 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "Multiple versions in ExportSelection\n"
            + "Please rerun all analyses with the same version"
        msg="Must use same Spyglass version for analysis and export",

    sql_helper = SQLDumpHelper(**paper_key, spyglass_version=version_ids[0])

    self.insert1({**key, **paper_key})

prepare_files_for_export(key, **kwargs)

Resolve common known errors to make a set of analysis files dandi compliant


Name Type Description Default
key dict

restriction for a single entry of the Export table

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def prepare_files_for_export(self, key, **kwargs):
    """Resolve common known errors to make a set of analysis
    files dandi compliant

    key : dict
        restriction for a single entry of the Export table
    key = (self & key).fetch1("KEY")
    file_list = (self.File() & key).fetch("file_path")
    for file in file_list:
        update_analysis_for_dandi_standard(file, **kwargs)