Position - Linearization¶
Developer Note: if you may make a PR in the future, be sure to copy this
notebook, and use the gitignore
prefix temp
to avoid future conflicts.
This is one notebook in a multi-part series on Spyglass.
- To set up your Spyglass environment and database, see the Setup notebook
- For additional info on DataJoint syntax, including table definitions and inserts, see the Insert Data notebook
This pipeline takes 2D position data from the PositionOutput
table and
"linearizes" it to 1D position. If you haven't already done so, please generate
input data with either the Trodes or DLC notebooks
(1, 2,
%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import os
import pynwb
import numpy as np
import datajoint as dj
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# change to the upper level folder to detect dj_local_conf.json
if os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) == "notebooks":
dj.config.load("dj_local_conf.json") # load config for database connection info
import spyglass.common as sgc
import spyglass.position.v1 as sgp
import spyglass.linearization.v1 as sgpl
# ignore datajoint+jupyter async warnings
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=ResourceWarning)
[2024-01-24 09:19:28,736][INFO]: Connecting sambray@lmf-db.cin.ucsf.edu:3306 [2024-01-24 09:19:28,767][INFO]: Connected sambray@lmf-db.cin.ucsf.edu:3306 [09:19:30][WARNING] Spyglass: Please update position_tools to >= 0.1.0
Retrieve 2D position¶
To retrieve 2D position data, we'll specify an nwb file, a position time interval, and the set of parameters used to compute the position info.
from spyglass.utils.nwb_helper_fn import get_nwb_copy_filename
nwb_file_name = "minirec20230622.nwb" # detailed data: chimi20200216_new.nwb
nwb_copy_file_name = get_nwb_copy_filename(nwb_file_name)
We will fetch the pandas dataframe from the PositionOutput
from spyglass.position import PositionOutput
import pandas as pd
pos_key = {
"nwb_file_name": nwb_copy_file_name,
"interval_list_name": "pos 0 valid times", # For chimi, "pos 1 valid times"
"trodes_pos_params_name": "single_led_upsampled", # For chimi, "default"
# Note: You'll have to change the part table to the one where your data came from
merge_id = (PositionOutput.TrodesPosV1() & pos_key).fetch1("merge_id")
position_info = (PositionOutput & {"merge_id": merge_id}).fetch1_dataframe()
video_frame_ind | position_x | position_y | orientation | velocity_x | velocity_y | speed | |
time | |||||||
1.581887e+09 | 0 | 91.051650 | 211.127050 | 2.999696 | 1.387074 | 2.848838 | 3.168573 |
1.581887e+09 | 1 | 90.844337 | 211.417287 | 3.078386 | 3.123201 | 3.411111 | 4.624939 |
1.581887e+09 | 2 | 90.637025 | 211.707525 | -3.114572 | 5.431643 | 4.089597 | 6.799085 |
1.581887e+09 | 3 | 90.802875 | 211.596958 | -3.033109 | 8.097753 | 4.979262 | 9.506138 |
1.581887e+09 | 4 | 91.288579 | 211.482443 | -3.062550 | 10.840482 | 6.071373 | 12.424880 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
1.581888e+09 | 39335 | 182.158583 | 201.452467 | -0.986926 | 0.348276 | 0.218575 | 0.411182 |
1.581888e+09 | 39336 | 182.158583 | 201.397183 | -0.978610 | 0.279135 | -0.058413 | 0.285182 |
1.581888e+09 | 39337 | 182.213867 | 201.341900 | -0.957589 | 0.193798 | -0.283200 | 0.343162 |
1.581888e+09 | 39338 | 182.158583 | 201.341900 | -0.970083 | 0.110838 | -0.417380 | 0.431846 |
1.581888e+09 | 39339 | 182.158583 | 201.286617 | -0.936414 | 0.045190 | -0.453966 | 0.456209 |
39340 rows × 7 columns
Before linearizing, plotting the head position will help us understand the data.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 5))
ax.set_xlabel("x-position [cm]", fontsize=18)
ax.set_ylabel("y-position [cm]", fontsize=18)
ax.set_title("Head Position", fontsize=28)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Head Position')
Specifying the track¶
To linearize, we need a graph of nodes and edges to represent track geometry in
the TrackGraph
table with four variables:
(cm): the 2D positions of the graphedges
: how the nodes are connected, as pairs of node indices, labeled by their respective index innode_positions
: layout of edges in linear space in order, as tuples.linear_edge_spacing
: spacing between each edge, as either a single number for all gaps or an array with a number for each gap. Gaps may be important for edges not connected in 2D space.
For example, (79.910, 216.720) is the 2D position of node 0 and (183.784, 45.375) is the 2D position of node 8. Edge (0, 8) means there is an edge between node 0 and node 8. Nodes order controls order in 1D space. Edge (0, 1) connects from node 0 to 1. Edge (1, 0) would connect from node 1 to 0, reversing the linear positions for that edge.
For more examples, see this notebook.
node_positions = np.array(
(79.910, 216.720), # top left well 0
(132.031, 187.806), # top middle intersection 1
(183.718, 217.713), # top right well 2
(132.544, 132.158), # middle intersection 3
(87.202, 101.397), # bottom left intersection 4
(31.340, 126.110), # middle left well 5
(180.337, 104.799), # middle right intersection 6
(92.693, 42.345), # bottom left well 7
(183.784, 45.375), # bottom right well 8
(231.338, 136.281), # middle right well 9
edges = np.array(
(0, 1),
(1, 2),
(1, 3),
(3, 4),
(4, 5),
(3, 6),
(6, 9),
(4, 7),
(6, 8),
linear_edge_order = [
(3, 6),
(6, 8),
(6, 9),
(3, 1),
(1, 2),
(1, 0),
(3, 4),
(4, 5),
(4, 7),
linear_edge_spacing = 15
With these variables, we then add a track_graph_name
and the corresponding
"track_graph_name": "6 arm",
"environment": "6 arm",
"node_positions": node_positions,
"edges": edges,
"linear_edge_order": linear_edge_order,
"linear_edge_spacing": linear_edge_spacing,
graph = sgpl.TrackGraph & {"track_graph_name": "6 arm"}
track_graph_name | environment Type of Environment | node_positions 2D position of track_graph nodes, shape (n_nodes, 2) | edges shape (n_edges, 2) | linear_edge_order order of track graph edges in the linear space, shape (n_edges, 2) | linear_edge_spacing amount of space between edges in the linear space, shape (n_edges,) |
6 arm | 6 arm | =BLOB= | =BLOB= | =BLOB= | =BLOB= |
Total: 1
has several methods for visualizing in 2D and 1D space.
plots in 2D to make sure our layout makes sense.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 5))
ax.set_xlabel("x-position [cm]", fontsize=18)
ax.set_ylabel("y-position [cm]", fontsize=18)
shows what this looks like in 1D.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 1))
By default, linearization assigns each 2D position to its nearest point on the track graph. This is then translated into 1D space.
If use_hmm
is set to true
, a Hidden Markov model is used to assign points.
The HMM takes into account the prior position and edge, and can keep the
position from suddenly jumping to another. Position jumping like this may occur
at intersections or the head position swings closer to a non-target reward well
while on another edge.
{"linearization_param_name": "default"}, skip_duplicates=True
linearization_param_name name for this set of parameters | use_hmm use HMM to determine linearization | route_euclidean_distance_scaling | sensor_std_dev Uncertainty of position sensor (in cm). | diagonal_bias |
default | 0 | 1.0 | 5.0 | 0.5 |
Total: 1
With linearization parameters, we specify the position interval we wish to
linearize from the PositionOutput
table and create an entry in LinearizationSelection
sgc.Session & {"nwb_file_name": nwb_copy_file_name}
nwb_file_name name of the NWB file | subject_id | institution_name | lab_name | session_id | session_description | session_start_time | timestamps_reference_time | experiment_description |
chimi20200216_new_.nwb | chimi | University of California, San Francisco | Loren Frank | chimi_20200216 | Spatial bandit task (regular) | 2020-02-16 12:15:09 | 1970-01-01 00:00:00 | Memory and value guided decision making |
Total: 1
"pos_merge_id": merge_id,
"track_graph_name": "6 arm",
"linearization_param_name": "default",
pos_merge_id | track_graph_name | linearization_param_name name for this set of parameters |
af2e637c-47d9-8e27-11f1-3ac12431f417 | 6 arm | default |
001b5af0-489e-5437-9e34-f2130727ebc5 | ms_lineartrack | default |
002476a5-c344-0236-d86c-89b995e22227 | ms_lineartrack | default |
00551a35-a28e-c884-0c33-8f3817cf59c2 | ms_lineartrack | default |
006bfebf-d986-e309-06ed-d7ea7c871c46 | ms_lineartrack | default |
00a9088c-6746-7892-d2ca-2e86e9047a60 | ms_lineartrack | default |
00afca31-a7b3-7d44-4752-531de37263a3 | ms_lineartrack | default |
00c9698e-146e-3bdc-61e4-c19ad4c8840d | ms_lineartrack | default |
00eaf8e9-168b-9c46-1621-e11b3bee558d | ms_lineartrack | default |
01717e02-3d2c-14ad-0a74-d1bd7f8417f0 | ms_lineartrack | default |
022c034d-da79-ca8c-a758-6c2e78b65fcf | ms_lineartrack | default |
025149ec-2d7e-4e52-3748-2efdb7f100a7 | ms_lineartrack | default |
Total: 1970
And then run linearization by populating LinearizedPositionV1
pos_merge_id | track_graph_name | linearization_param_name name for this set of parameters | analysis_file_name name of the file | linearized_position_object_id |
001b5af0-489e-5437-9e34-f2130727ebc5 | ms_lineartrack | default | Winnie20220714_8FOZKCPEXW.nwb | 9b7b03d8-1df8-4a04-9566-ada9ad7d935e |
002476a5-c344-0236-d86c-89b995e22227 | ms_lineartrack | default | Totoro20220614_BSOZ7EAWQU.nwb | ddb91b90-8d36-4908-aa7c-2d117461d7a9 |
002476a5-c344-0236-d86c-89b995e22227 | ms_wtrack | default | Totoro20220614_GPQ1PDBI6S.nwb | ee0a93ba-1233-4b1a-bffc-c810a8ba46b8 |
00551a35-a28e-c884-0c33-8f3817cf59c2 | ms_lineartrack | default | Olive20220707_FIDPJQ458I.nwb | 71ab61e9-cf9b-436c-b489-9f09b6f989da |
006bfebf-d986-e309-06ed-d7ea7c871c46 | ms_lineartrack | default | Totoro20220530_X9K189ZS6H.nwb | dff301c8-eb66-4b11-bca0-d5e05fd922c1 |
00a9088c-6746-7892-d2ca-2e86e9047a60 | ms_lineartrack | default | Olive20220711_6QS37PFOW3.nwb | 70a78fcd-7e17-43ba-8cb5-7f918047d684 |
00a9088c-6746-7892-d2ca-2e86e9047a60 | ms_wtrack | default | Olive20220711_8NMXZVVD5L.nwb | 27b1097a-d612-4967-ac42-3699cc1de5b2 |
00afca31-a7b3-7d44-4752-531de37263a3 | ms_lineartrack | default | Wallie20220922_EP1QE0SBJR.nwb | b2797c39-606f-43cb-8d8f-652870b9db67 |
00c9698e-146e-3bdc-61e4-c19ad4c8840d | ms_lineartrack | default | Olive20220708_XXXT7RYLRX.nwb | 8bbd3fb5-6cab-491a-8d74-c06818678248 |
00eaf8e9-168b-9c46-1621-e11b3bee558d | ms_lineartrack | default | Winnie20220717_2BIU1TYFMB.nwb | 2b590d50-445a-4a5a-965e-1d64f3d8eafb |
01717e02-3d2c-14ad-0a74-d1bd7f8417f0 | ms_lineartrack | default | Olive20220707_4WHPR9WFOK.nwb | 8a31926a-132f-4957-b2ce-d5a2647f480f |
022c034d-da79-ca8c-a758-6c2e78b65fcf | ms_lineartrack | default | Winnie20220720_F3YE2F28QX.nwb | 2fc84409-b55f-44b0-9d72-740fdf5269c4 |
Total: 1970
Examine data¶
Populating LinearizedPositionV1
also creates a corresponding entry in the LinearizedPositionOutput
merge table. For downstream compatibility with alternate versions of the Linearization pipeline, we should fetch our data from here
Running fetch1_dataframe
will retrieve the linear position data, including...
: dataframe indexlinear_position
: 1D linearized positiontrack_segment_id
: index number of the edges given to track graphprojected_{x,y}_position
: 2D position projected to the track graph
linear_key = {
"pos_merge_id": merge_id,
"track_graph_name": "6 arm",
"linearization_param_name": "default",
from spyglass.linearization.merge import LinearizedPositionOutput
linear_merge_key = LinearizedPositionOutput.merge_restrict(linear_key).fetch1(
linear_position_df = (
LinearizedPositionOutput & linear_merge_key
linear_position | track_segment_id | projected_x_position | projected_y_position | |
time | ||||
1.581887e+09 | 412.042773 | 0 | 90.802281 | 210.677533 |
1.581887e+09 | 412.364853 | 0 | 90.520636 | 210.833775 |
1.581887e+09 | 412.686934 | 0 | 90.238990 | 210.990018 |
1.581887e+09 | 412.488270 | 0 | 90.412714 | 210.893645 |
1.581887e+09 | 412.007991 | 0 | 90.832697 | 210.660660 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
1.581888e+09 | 340.401589 | 1 | 175.500994 | 212.958497 |
1.581888e+09 | 340.373902 | 1 | 175.477029 | 212.944630 |
1.581888e+09 | 340.394065 | 1 | 175.494481 | 212.954729 |
1.581888e+09 | 340.346214 | 1 | 175.453064 | 212.930764 |
1.581888e+09 | 340.318527 | 1 | 175.429100 | 212.916898 |
39340 rows × 4 columns
We'll plot the 1D position over time, colored by edge, and use the 1D track graph layout on the y-axis.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 13))
ax=ax, axis="y", other_axis_start=linear_position_df.index[-1] + 10
ax.set_xlabel("Time [s]", fontsize=18)
ax.set_ylabel("Linear Position [cm]", fontsize=18)
ax.set_title("Linear Position", fontsize=28)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Linear Position')